Malia Kuo | UI/UX and Frontend

During my Lucasfilm internship, I also helped redesign and implement frontend improvements to production websites using Figma, TypeScript, React, and Next.js.

Website 1: Redesigning submissions page

The first website I worked on enabled producers to review and edit takes in production environments. I was tasked with redesigning the submissions page, which is where the website would navigate to after the producers have submitted their takes.

Initial Design

Mockup in Figma

Feedback and Redesign Part Two

Final Implementation (using TypeScript, Tailwind)

Website 2: Color Accessibility and Header Redesign

The second website I worked on was used to visualize a job's status in being rendered. Initially, I was tasked with just updating the header. However, after opening the site, I realized there were some problems with color accessibility for the site and asked to help out with that as well!

Initial Design

Issues: Figma Mockup

Final Implementation (using TypeScript, Tailwind)