Malia Kuo | Ambient Internet

Designed and programmed sites which consider the interactive and performative potential of the web. Just for fun!

Sky Full of Wishes (HTML/CSS/JS)

Concept: Site that allows users to peruse submitted wishes and submit their own (powered with Google CMS)

What I learned: Using Google CMS as a backend, parsing through data, popups as part of the site

Future changes: Fix collisions of wishes (build out a more robust backend)

Github Link to site

Tool for One (HTML/CSS/JS)

Concept: Mobile-only web application which allows my friend to ascertain her current location in relation to the many different places she calls home - it takes in the phone's gyroscope and location data to point her to whichever location she chooses. Essentially, a compass app but just for her.

What I learned: How to use phone's internal sensors in a web app

Future changes: Allow friend to add more homes

Github Link to site